Waste Water Recycle
Waste Water Recycle
The depleting availability of freshwater yet never-ending demand for water has made a call for NIRA to become an enabler of the circular economy.
At NIRA, we believe that engaging stakeholders to develop a more sustainable lifestyle is a crucial step in protecting nature. On top of that, NIRA provides a sustainable water solution for industrial and commercial customers, such as through innovative technology of Waste Water Recycling, to foster responsible behaviors and invite customers to take an active role in conserving the environment.


Guaranteed performance in quality and quantity of water

Cost-saving solution in comparison with the current utility cost

Alignment of business practice with UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 “Clean water and Sanitation”

Reduced usage of freshwater sources and minimized waste water discharge to the environment
Why Waste Water Recycling with NIRA?
Wastewater recycling would address rising regulatory expectations regarding water supply. For example, a recent government legislation Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Nomor 93 Tahun 2021 sets up Groundwater Free Zone. The rule prohibits the use of groundwater in some locations starting August 1, 2023.
This shifts the demand for water input from groundwater into a sustainable solution of wastewater recycling.
By choosing wastewater recycling with NIRA, your business helps the government to address the environmental issue and plays an active part in embracing the circular economy.
NIRA provides cost-effective wastewater recycling that can also mitigate your business risks concerning water management.
- Reduced water cost as water recycling allows you to reuse your wastewater (or effluent water) rather than sourcing more expensively from a local supply
- Reduced risks-related costs about discharged water quality
- Reduced costly water footprint
NIRA enables the recycling of various types of water, such as blackwater, greywater, and rainwater, into appropriate purposes that would bring positive impacts for business operations and for the environment.
Waste Water Recycling is applicable to various industries

Oleochemical industries have been a significant aspect of many economies. Outputs such as palm oil and its derivatives used to produce a wide range of goods like fatty acids, glycerol, and fatty alcohols have played a critical role in the fulfillment of society’s needs. At the same time, the production of oleochemicals should also promote sustainability and minimize environmental impact. Treating wastewater from the oleochemical industry will not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to the betterment of the future.
Oleochemical wastewater contains a high concentration of organic chemicals. There are various treatment methods, such as physical treatment (e.g. screening, filtration, sedimentation, etc), chemical treatment, biological treatment (e.g. using activated sludge, biofilters, anaerobic digestion), and advanced treatment (e.g. membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, etc) that can be employed to remove contaminants that would result in high-quality effluent.
The wastewater’s individual characteristics, discharge standards, and resource availability will determine the appropriate wastewater treatment system.
NIRA empowers oleochemical industries to play their role in protecting the environment by providing the right wastewater recycling solution in the most efficient manner.

The manufacturing processes of textiles are water-intensive and discard harmful chemicals, dyes, acids, and starches into the water. If not treated, textile effluent can pose significant water pollution risks that can damage the environment and endanger human health.
As such, textile plants must have an appropriate wastewater recycling system to treat the harmful textile wastewater.
Wastewater treatment technologies can be adopted by textile factories to treat organic and inorganic contaminants, remove colors from wastewater, and minimize waste.
NIRA helps textile manufacturers protect community health and the environment by delivering cost-effective wastewater recycling solutions.

Pollutants contained in the wastewater produced by industrial estate’s tenants can threaten the ecosystem, and the risk significance of the pollutant will largely depend on what the industrial estate manufactures.
Examples of the most common pollutants contained in wastewater are pathogens, nitrates, phosphates, synthetic chemicals, suspended solids, dissolved solids, metals, and many more – which can penetrate the soil and other water bodies. Hence, it can be hazardous for fish and plants, as well as affecting the livelihood of people.
However, having wastewater treatment and recycling in industrial parks can significantly ease the pressure on the environment and turn down the health risks associated with environmental pollution.
The complex nature of industrial wastewater, water scarcity, and stringent discharge regulations raise the need for the right wastewater treatment solution.
NIRA delivers solutions that can address the complete range of industrial wastewater challenges as we help manufacturers:
- Maximize water recoveries and recycling rate
- Minimize system footprint
- Optimize operational efficiency
- Recover valuable resources such as metals, minerals, and reagents
- Fulfill discharge compliance requirements

The majority of commercial building systems fulfill water needs by using potable water sources for non-potable applications (e.g. toilet flushing, washing, and cooling towers) that end up being discharged into the sewer system.
Understanding that potable water has high embedded energy and high carbon consumption as it is largely obtained through energy-consuming processes, using potable water for non-potable purposes would mean that a significant amount of financial and environmental costs are being incurred.
Further, not only the resulting wastewater can cause pollution and waste of valuable resource, but it can also raise legal compliance challenge for commercial buildings as government has also set up characteristic standards for liquid discharge.
Instead of using potable water for non-potable needs within commercial buildings, Water Recycling can be employed to conserve water resources and maintain an ecological balance. Using proper water recycling methods, wastewater from commercial buildings can be reused for purposes such as flushing, cooling tower, and watering.
NIRA empowers commercial buildings to meet their sustainability goals, reduce their water footprint, and meet regulatory requirements by providing effective ways to reduce, reclaim, and renew their wastewater.
Innovative Technology
NIRA’s provides extensive range of water treatment technologies that enable customization of water solution to every client coming from various fields.

Reverse Osmosis

The filtration process involves water passing through filters that have varied pore sizes and are made of different materials (e.g. charcoal, gravel, and sand). The filters would remove dissolved particles and germs in the water.

The clarification process takes away suspended solids through gravity settling, producing a clarified liquid effluent. There is a wide range of clarification solutions and NIRA chooses the right clarification technology for your specified industrial water need.

Ultrafiltration (UF)
Ultrafiltration process can be used as an addition or as a substitute for traditional filtration. The filter in the ultrafiltration method only allows water and extremely small molecules (e.g. salts) to pass through as the filter membrane has a very small pore size.

Ion Exchange
Ion Exchange is a specialized technology that can eliminate dissolved ions and contaminants from water. By allowing ion exchange resins attract undesirable ions in water and exchange them with more desirable ions, the system effectively purifies and improves water quality.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Reverse osmosis can be considered as a variation of filtration method that removes additional particles from water. The RO technology is widely used in wastewater recycling, water treatment to produce demineralized water, and treating salt water for drinking.

Activated Carbon (AC)
Activated Carbon filters function mainly to absorb pollutants and eliminate taste and odors in water treatment systems, including organic compounds such as volatile organic compounds, pesticides, and benzene.

Electrodialysis (ED)
Electrodialysis (ED) is a technique that relies on an electric field gradient and can be used to separate minerals from feed water solution. This technology is primarily used for brackish water desalination and removal of hardness from industrial wastewater.